Sunday, December 16, 2012


On Friday after hearing about the tragedy that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary, all I could think about was it could have been me or any one of us that lost a child in this horrible crime.  We decided to tell our 5 year old son a little about it so that when he went to school on Monday(tomorrow) that he would have good knowlege of what happened.  We obviously did not tell him all the graphic details that the media seems to feed upon.

What happened to only the families knowing how many times someone has been shot or what kind of rifle that was used.  Are we a society that is so hungry for instant gratification of knowlege that we cannot take a step back and realize that we do not need our children or even that matter that we need to know every horrifiying graphic detail.

Today in church our pastors wife told us about how when tragedies happened when here children were young that she did not tell her kids that everything would be ok.  She told that that just like your teacher leads you out for a fire drill or any drill for that matter that God will lead you in that same way and that you need to trust him like you would that teacher.

I have seen a ton of posts on Facebook about gun control and other things, we need to be supportive to the people that lost there family members on Friday.  We need to look at the way the world is and we need to Run, not walk, back into the arms of the Lord.  We need to pray everyday for our childrens safety and we need to trust that God will do that and if something happens we need to trust in the Lord and have faith that he will see us through

Signing off.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Busy weekend

Sorry I have not been wrote in a couple of days, Life has been busy.  Luke's school had Holiday Happenings on Friday and we were busy most of the day Saturday.  We also had a date night with my older sister and her husband on Saturday.

On Sunday we had a church potluck and had to meet with the elders to become members of the church, that went good and the potluck was fun.  We are becoming members on January 13, 2013 and Joshua is getting baptized.  This week started out busy and it has been just go go go.  I hope it slows down a little, but with Christmas getting closer I suppose it will only get busier.

My new niece Olivia was born yesterday, so today we went to see her and of course she is so cute.

I came home tonight to my wonderful and rambunctious boys.  They were so happy to see me.  My mother in law told me when I came to pick up Caleb and Joshua that Caleb told her when she asked if he needed to go to the potty that I was coming soon so he would wait until I got there...too funny.

I hope that everyone had a great couple of days and if not that the next few days would make up for it.

Signing off.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Raising 3 boys

How can three children, or actually 2 be so different, I do not know what kind of personality Joshua is going to have being that he is only 5 months old.  They can both be so kind hearted and loving and the next moment, driving this momma nuts. 

I believe that Caleb is what you call a strong willed child.  Neither one listens but Caleb seems to almost laugh at you when you tell him no.  How do you discipline a child that thinks you are funny and ignores what you are saying to him.  Tonight's challenge was putting them to bed, no mind you I just found out that I have Strep Throat today, so I am not feeling the best.  They both were whining because they want a drink and I am thinking that I need a bubble bath and my feet rubbed.  They are all finally asleep for the time being and I think that after I finish this blog I am going to go lay down and rest.

Luke has truly been trying my patience lately, but I guess that all day kindergarten does that to him.  He wants so bad to be the best and keep moving up levels in the word ring.  I try to tell him that it takes time, but when he is whining and almost throwing a two year old temper tantrum I give up. 

If anyone has any ideas please share.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Santa Coopersville

I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I thought I would give it a try. 

I am a mom to three, sometimes challenging and most of the time rewarding, boys.  They are 5, 2 and 5 months.

On Sunday my sister invited us to go on the Santa Train in Coopersville, Mi with them.  I thought it would be fun and my older boys love trains, so why not.  I was a little worried due to the fact that I had just had a discussion with my 5 year old about how Santa was just a man dressed in a costume, and that his dad and I are the ones that buy him presents every year.  I wanted the main focus of Christmas to be on Christ's birth.  I want them to be raised with the understanding that Christ is the reason and the reason that we give presents is that the Three Wise Men gave presents to the baby Jesus and that God gave us a present in his son Jesus coming to the world in the form of a baby.  I know that some people will disagree with the concept of not letting my children believe in Santa, but eventually they have to know. 

Anyway to get to the Santa Train part of it, it is an hour and forty minute train ride from Coopersville to Marne and Santa and his elf are a part of it. Caleb, 2, was very afraid of Santa and would not sit on his lap.  It was a great time and we had fun.  Anyone that has children interested in trains should go and do this.